I was born in Gastonia, North Carolina outside of Charlotte. I enjoyed playing sports my entire life and started competing in little league football for the Police Athletic League at the age of seven. Organized sports, a disciplined activity were a way for my mother to keep me out of trouble. As I grew I fell in love with the game of basketball and forgot about everything else including my grades, which was a hard lesson to learn until I moved to Northern Virginia with my father in high school. I teamed with a future NBA star, Grant Hill, at South Lakes High school during my tenth grade year taking the team all the way to the state championship. During my eleventh and twelfth grade years I transferred to Harker Prep playing for legendary, Hall-of-Fame high school coach Stu Vetter and teaming with former Maryland University great Exree Hipp and Cameron Dollar current Head Coach of Seattle University. We went on to amass a 44-3 record during my junior and senior years, twice getting ranked in USA Today top high school basketball teams poll in 1991 and 1992. I then participated in the Capital Classic Suburban vs. Inner city All-star basketball game at College Park, Maryland. I went on to win MVP in that game. After my senior year I garnered over 20 division one college scholarships from such schools as: Towson State, George Mason, James Madison, Fairfield, Fordham, Providence, Delaware Universities etc. I chose to play at Fairfield University on a full basketball scholarship. During my career I led or was second on the team in assists. I later transferred to Central Connecticut State University and was second on the team in scoring and first in assists as I led the team to their most wins in Division 1 history (15) at the time.

After graduating I played basketball in Sweden for a short period of time and returned to the states to pursue my master’s degree from University of Bridgeport in Elementary Education in 1998. I then moved back to Washington DC area taking a job as a fourth grade teacher. I taught for 6 years at the elementary level, before accepting a position as an administrator at the central office level and then went back to the schools as an assistant principal. I again returned to school, John Hopkins University, to complete my masters in Educational Administration in 2007. I also accepted the position of Head Boys Basketball coach at Howard High school for the 2001-2002 season, increasing the school wins from 3 to 15 in one year, as well as demanded strict study habits off the court by holding study hall every day before practice. The next year I took over the Head Boys Basketball job at Crossland High school in Temple Hills, MD.

After serving as Assistant Principal at Annapolis and Severna Park High schools in Ann Arundel County. I moved on to Wakefield High School in Arlington, VA as Assistant Principal. During the summer of 2009 I was chosen to participate at the Harvard Principal’s Institute in Cambridge, Ma. The next year I moved to New York City. I was an Administrator at the Bronx Charter school for Arts from 2009-2012. I also coached all the co-ed basketball programs for grades four through six. Additionally during the season of 2010-11 I accepted a position as assistant coach at LIU-Post University. During this time we won 3 ECC championships and I coached 2 Conference Player of The Year.

As you can see I have been very blessed to educate myself as well as teach and coach students from the earliest ages through young adults. I understand cognitive development and learning styles of young people. I am a great motivator and inspiration to young people while letting them know the various things I have overcome using hard work and discipline. Being reflective has allowed me to be at this place in life able to hopefully touch your life. I have realized our job in life is to be a blessing for others and through basketball and education I feel I am doing just that.